like the fabled crow; out of the box thinking and conceptualising innovative marketing solutions is our forte. with a keen eye, we analyse business objectives, do customer profiling, research market opportunities and craft your communication to deliver maximum results.
deriving inspiration from the fable behind our name, ttc-marketing endeavours to incorporate creativity &innovation into the services we provide. we help you take a neutral, objective look at your marketing programs, helping you save time and money. being an outsider, we can give you a dimension of outside in thinking, adding freshness to your marketing campaigns.
our team with exceptional skills and in depth experience in marketing for IT, Telecom and Consumer Products/services, can help you create SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-bound) marketing solutions.
digital | social | marketing | events | activation | lead-gen | web | visibility | ROI... write to us and we will help you to quench whatever may be your thirst…
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